Thursday, June 2, 2022

50 Cities, Citadels & Other Weird Structures

Roll (d50)
  1. Gigantic creature made entirely of volcanic glass, eternally frozen in the act of birthing an even more massive offspring.
  2. Sprawling city made of the corpses of dead gods, still twitching and moaning in their eternal damnation.
  3. A cathedral that is also a living creature, its stone walls writhing and its gargoyles howling.
  4. A city within a city, each building a smaller replica of the one it surrounds, until the very centre where a single miniature building resides.
  5. A school of thought manifested as a physical structure, where great minds can be found debating with one another in the halls and classrooms.
  6. A floating palace made of cloud and rainbows, where the sun and moon converge in the sky to form a third light.
  7. A building that is also a mirror, reflecting back whatever is placed before it, no matter the size or nature.
  8. Flailing mass of tentacles, bony plates and vestigial mouths, seemingly carved from the stone of an ancient city buried beneath the earth.
  9. City block sized creature, composed entirely of eyes, wailing eternally in tongues unknown.
  10. A single tree, bearing fruit of an unknown kind, hanging in the middle of an infinite black void.
  11. Great chain-beacon, a fiery mountain-top citadel surrounded by a constantly smoking sea of lava.
  12. A city in the clouds, accessed by towers of crystal and metal rainbows.
  13. A palace made of inverted glass pyramids, their points planted in the earth.
  14. A colossal tree with a city in its canopy, its trunk a spiraling stair leading to the heavens.
  15. A school forcity in which all the lessons and academic buildings are suspended by a single massive ballast stone.
  16. A seemingly abandoned city, with every door and window boarded up. But if one looks close enough, they can see thousands of pairs of eyes staring back at them from the cracks.
  17. A colossal tree, with a city living in its branches, its roots tearing through the ground below like grasping fingers.
  18. A transparent fortress, made entirely of diamond, in which everything and everyone can be seen as if under a microscope.
  19. A city in the shape of a cage, with great spires reaching up to the sky, meant to keep something in, or keep something out.
  20. A living mountain, whose every step shakes the ground, and whose breath is a storm.
  21. Great redwood palace, riddled with tiny holes, like a honeycomb, through which an eerie green light shines.
  22. Mountain top arena, where two teams of magi face off in a grand game of capture the flag, using summoned creatures as their pawns.
  23. A city within a city, an entire metropolis contained within a single building, each district separated by walls, bridges, and streets.
  24. Floating fortress composed of a patchwork of salvaged ships, lashed together with chains and sails billowing in an otherworldly wind.
  25. A building that is alight with a raging inferno, but does not burn.
  26. A giant sundial, where the hours are told not by the sun's progress, but by the whim of the winds, which can speed up or reverse time at their leisure.
  27. A palace made entirely of crystal, where every voice echoes a thousand-fold, and every footstep shatters a thousand shards.
  28. A city in the clouds, where the buildings are held aloft by massive balloons, and the only way to travel between them is by flapping great wings of feathers and wax.
  29. Great birdcage of living metal, wires sparking with electricity, holding aloft a single white feather.
  30. Drum-shaped keep, every surface a different musical instrument, eternally playing a discordant melody.
  31. Castle in the form of a many-eyed, many-mouthed woman, screaming in silent terror.
  32. Transparent fortress of unbreakable glass, full of identical clones of a single inhabitant.
  33. A house of cards the size of a city, constantly rebuilding and collapsing in on itself.
  34. A cathedral in which the pews and rafters are carved with the howls and agonies of the damned, while the floor is a single great stained glass mural of the final judgment.
  35. A manor house with a great sundial in the front yard, with each hour represented by a different season, and each season by a different climate.
  36. A city of fortress-sized blacksmith's forges, with billowing smoke day and night, and the incessant sound of a thousand anvils being hammered.
  37. A floating palace of opalescent crystal, illuminated from within by a thousand candles, each representing a different star.
  38. A temple whose ceilings and walls are alive with constellations, and whose floor is a great map of the cosmos.
  39. A mix of every material known to exist all thrown together to create a single jumbled mess of a temple.
  40. A city sized mill with mountains for grinding stones, valleys for chutes, and a stream of lava for a flowing river.
  41. A school where everyone is both student and teacher, and the only lessons are those learned in dreams.
  42. A single tower that extends up and down through all planes of existence, with an infinite number of rooms, each containing something different.
  43. Dormant volcano sporting a great cathedral grafted to its side, belching lava-encrusted bells.
  44. Great obsidian ziggurat, gears and cogs turning eternally to some unknown purpose.
  45. Vast city made completely of gold, all evidence of industry or habitation hidden behind opulent facades.
  46. A palace made completely of wax, slowly melting in the heat of twin suns.
  47. Sprawling fortress partially submerged in a murky green swamp, its towers and parapets adorned with weeping gargoyles.
  48. Enormous beehive made of petrified wood and obsidian, swarming with crystalline bees the size of mammoths.
  49. Gigantic geodesic dome over a great city, the interior a pristine crystalline environment, completely sealed from the outside world.
  50. A city on the back of a living, moving creature the size of a mountain, its countless spires and bridges draped in cascading vines.

Art by Tim White.

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