Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Weird Ideas for Character Backgrounds

Roll (d20): 

1. The Transcendent
Possessions: A body in constant flux, a mind beyond understanding.
You are not of this world, not of any world. You are something beyond, something that defies explanation. Your body is in a constant state of flux, constantly changing and adapting to new stimuli. Your mind is beyond understanding, beyond the comprehension of mortal minds. You are something other, something Transcendent.

2. The Fading
Possessions:  A body slowly fading away, memories of a life long gone.
You were once human, but that was a lifetime ago. Now you are something else, something less. Your body is slowly fading away, your memories of a human life long gone. You wander the spheres, searching for a way to regain your humanity, or at least to hold on to what little of it you have left.

3. The Uncanny
Possessions: Eerie dolls, unsettling artwork.
You are more than just human, but less than something else. You are the Uncanny, the strange and unsettling. You collect dolls and artwork, anything that strikes you as odd or unsettling. You can’t help but want to unsettle others, to make them feel as uneasy as you do.

4. The Void Walker
Possessions: A suit of void-resistant armor, a staff of nullifying.
You have walked the Void, the empty nothingness between the spheres. You have seen things that no mortal was meant to see, and you have survived things that would have killed a lesser being. You are a walking paradox, a being that should not exist. You wander the spheres, searching for a way to return to the Void, or at least to find a way to make peace with it.

5. The Broken
Possessions: A body that is not quite right, a mind that is fractured.
You were once whole, but now you are broken. Your body is not quite right, your mind is fractured. You wander the spheres, searching for a way to fix yourself, or at least to understand what happened to you.

6. The Lost
Possessions: A map to a place that does not exist, a guide that cannot be followed.
You are lost, lost in a way that no one can understand. You have a map to a place that does not exist, a guide that cannot be followed. You wander the spheres, searching for a way back to the place you once called home.

7. Melancholic Neonate
Possessions: A shattered mirror, a vial of black ink.
You were born in the void between the stars, and though you’ve never seen your own reflection, you know that you’re nothing special to look at. You’re scared of what you might see, so you carry a shattered mirror and a vial of black ink with you at all times.

8. The Perpetually Startled
Possessions: A pocketwatch, a magnifying glass.
You’re always on edge, always on the lookout for danger. It’s not that you’re paranoid — it’s that you’ve seen too much in your short life. You’ve seen things that nobody should have to see, and it’s left you jumpy and twitchy. You’re always the one who notices when something’s not quite right, and you’re always the first to react when trouble comes.

9. The Unsleeping
Possessions: A bottle of pills, an eye patch.
You never sleep. You don’t need to. You’ve been awake for so long that you can’t even remember what it feels like to dream. You’re not sure if you’re even human anymore. You take pills to stay awake, and you wear an eye patch to keep the light from bother you.

10. The Schismatic
Possessions: A knife, a bottle of holy water.
You were once a part of a great and terrible whole, but now you are nothing. You are a walking heresy, a living contradiction. You are two people in one body, and you can never rest until one of you is destroyed. You carry a knife to end your own life, and a bottle of holy water to purify your soul.

11. The Outcast
Possessions: A bag of rations, a map.
You don’t belong here. You don’t belong anywhere. You’re a wanderer, a nomad, a drifter. You’ve been cast out of every place that you’ve ever called home, and you’ve learned to fend for yourself. You’re not looking for a place to belong — you’re just looking for a place to exist.

12. The Emaciated
Possessions: Scale and rust-covered clothes, emaciated body.
You’re not quite sure what happened. You remember pain, and hunger, and being dragged through the muck and mire. You must have looked quite the spectacle when they found you — skin and bones, rags for clothes, and not a drop of fat on your body. But they took you in, nursed you back to health. You owe them everything, and will gladly give your life in service to them.

13. Slave to a Machine
Possessions: A battered suit of armor, a sword half-consumed by rust.
You don’t remember much of your life before the machine. You were nothing, a nameless cog in the machines great purpose. And then, one day, you were chosen. The machine spoke to you, called you its servant, its slave. It gave you a new name, and a new purpose. You exist to serve the machine, and will gladly give your life to see it fulfilled.

14. The Doppelganger
Possessions: An identical twin, a set of identical clothes.
You’re not quite sure what you are. You remember being born, and then there were two of you. You’re not sure which one is the original and which one is the copy. But it doesn’t matter, because you are both the same. You are identical in every way, even down to your thoughts and feelings. You are two halves of the same whole, and where one goes, the other must follow.

15. The Cosmic Wanderer
Possessions: A map of the cosmos, a star charts.
You’ve been to places that no mortal has ever dreamed of. You’ve seen the birth and death of stars, the ebb and flow of galaxies. You’ve tasted the sweet nectar of infinity, and it has left you wanting more. You wander the cosmos in search of knowledge, of understanding. And one day, you hope to find your way back home.

16. The Mad Scientist
Possessions: A laboratory, a crazy idea.
You’re not quite sure what led you down this path. Was it the compulsion to understand the world around you? The thirst for knowledge? Or was it something more? Whatever the reason, you’ve dedicated your life to science, and you’ll stop at nothing to achieve your goals. You’ll make the world bow to your will, or die trying.

17. The Witch of Rust and Grief
Possessions: A talisman of rusted nails, a doll made of dead leaves.
Some say that you were once a woman wronged by a cruel lover. Others say that you are the embodiment of humanity’s capacity for self-destruction. Either way, you spread your curse wherever you go. Crops wither in your wake, metal rusts, and hearts break. You take particular delight in luring children into the forest to feed on their terror.

18. The Angel of Oblivion
Possessions: A crystal sword, a set of feathered wings.
You were once an angel, a fearsome warrior in the service of the Light. But you fell from grace, and now you wanders the planes as a bitter and vengeful spirit. You yearn to forget your former glory, but the power within you calls out to be unleashed. You are a force of destruction, and you will not rest until all Creation is consumed by the void.

19. The Beast of a Thousand Faces
Possessions: A bestiary, an alchemy set.
You are a shapeshifter, a master of disguise. You can take on the form of any creature you have seen, and you use this power to find new and terrible ways to feed your insatiable hunger. You are feared and hunted by all who know of you, but you always seem to be one step ahead of your pursuers.

20. The God-Eater
Possessions: A hunger that can never be sated.
You don’t remember a time when you didn’t hunger for the flesh of gods. It began as a gnawing hunger in the depths of your soul, and has since grown to consume your every waking thought. You’ve eaten the flesh of countless gods, and each time the hunger grows stronger. You know that one day you will devour the last god in the universe, and then what will you do?

1 comment:

  1. Melancholic Neonate was my favorite. There's something appropriately funny, yet sad about it.
