Saturday, July 9, 2022

10 Unique Artifacts (Part I)

Roll (d10):

1. The Blood-Soaked Crown of Aquilus
The Blood-soaked Crown of Aquilus is a circlet of crimson metal that slowly drips with fresh blood. It was used in the coronation of the last king of Aquilus. In his dying moments, the king placed the crown on his own head and bled out atop the altar. The crown has since been used to coronate each new ruler of circlet in a similar fashion.

2. Mask of the Laughing Man
The Mask of the Laughing Man was once worn by a court jester who was murdered by his employer. The mask has since been passed down to other jesters, who have all met the same fate. The mask is said to cause uncontrollable laughter in whoever dons it, eventually leading to madness and death.

3. The Butcher's Blade
The Butcher's Blade is a large, serrated knife that is said to be cursed. It is said that the blade hungers for flesh and will not be satisfied until it has tasted blood. The blade is said to be covered in a never-ending supply of blood, no matter how much is wiped away.

4. The Tongue of the Serpent
The Tongue of the Serpent is a forked tongue that is said to be able to detect lies. It is said that the tongue will wrap itself around the throat of a liar and strangle them. The tongue is also said to be able to charm anyone it speaks to, making them more susceptible to the lies it tells.

5. The Heart of the Dragon
The Heart of the Dragon is a large ruby that is said to be the heart of a dragon. It is said that the heart is still beating and that it gives off a faint, dragon-like roar when it is held close to the ear. It is also said that the heart is impervious to all damage and can only be destroyed by the touch of a dragon.

6. The Horn of the Moon
The Horn of the Moon is a large, spiraling horn that is said to be able to summon the moon. It is said that when the horn is blown, the moon will appear in the sky and will bathe the area in a soft, silvery light. The horn is also said to be able to calm beasts and make them docile.

7. The Stone of Tears
The Stone of Tears is a large, black stone that is said to be able to absorb the tears of those who weep into it. It is said that the stone holds the sorrow of the world and that it weeps for all the sorrow that has been inflicted upon it. The stone is also said to be able to grant wishes, but only to those who have shed tears into it.

8. The God-Mask of Xul'tec
The God-Mask of Xul'tec is a living mask that can be worn by a user to become a God. The mask is made from the stuff of stars, and leaves chaos and destruction in its wake.

9. The Celestial Navigation Globe
The celestial navigation globe is an enlightening tool used to study the planes of existence and the Great Beyond. It is said to be able to pinpoint the exact location of any creature or thing in the cosmos.

10. The Animus Bell
The Animus Bell is a tolling of an arcane machine that can reverse the effects of death. However, the price for such power is the user’s own soul, which is forfeit to the machine.

Art by Moebius.

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